Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A Little Bit of This and That

i should really update more often....not because i think anybody pays too much attention, but because I have a really bad memory and posts really help me to remember when abouts things happened.

i love my job at the elementary school. i used to worry that i might not have chosen the right career because i have known for so long that i wanted to be a teacher and most people change their mind/struggle with what they really want to do. but working with those kids everyday with them makes me more and more certain that i am exactly where God wants me to be-working with elementary school kids. i love to see the joy in their faces when they succeed at something they worked hard on. i love to be the one they can come to when they are upset about something. i love to sit and play cards, or board games, or color pictures with them. i love to see them run and play outdoors-living the life that mankind was created to live-one that is full of wonder and joy. i love how some of the things they say are so funny. and am always amazed at how profound they can be. i am fulfilled in this place-God has blessed me with a job where i can truly live out of the passion that he has put in my heart.

wedding planning is moving along at such a rapid pace. there is a counter on my webpage that says how many days until the wedding, and it's only 151 days away. which seems like a whole lot until you consider how much will be happening in our lives in the next 151 days. but i am excited to be hitched! i'm ready to take that step.

speaking of steps, the new pastor at ucc has started a new sermon series about "taking a few steps". i'm really enjoying his preaching style and learning a lot of practical ways to make strides in my faith. this past sunday he talked about leadership-many good things to think about: how am i leading? how am i following?

spring break is next week...no huge plans. going to hays for a few days to see cole's family-yay! and then a bunch of meetings, medical appointments, and work. but it will be nice to have a week without classes to play catch up. my sister is going with a group from our church to Mississippi to do clean up work from hurricane katrina-please be in prayer for them: for safe travel, strength, the ability to get lots of work done, and for opportunities to display Jesus to the people that they meet.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


I’m beginning to think that “balance” is just a myth. I don’t know that it exists; but if it does, I can’t find it. The more I try, the more it seems my life spins out of control.