Saturday, July 21, 2007


We're in Ellis, Kansas right now. We drove the minivan out here and arrived last night sometime after eleven-this morning we loaded up our table, dresser, and desk. We're heading out soon. Then tonight, we are moving my sofa from my apartment to my parents storage shed. Then we will be loading all of the boxes in Cole's and in my apartment into the Penske truck. Tomorrow, Cole, his dad, and I will drive the Penske to Gardner after church. Then I'll come back to Manhattan and get ready for the week. Cole and his dad will drive back to Gardner to wait for our closing on Tuesday afternoon.




Yes sir (or ma'am)!!

21 days until I am a married woman! counting the days...eager expectation...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lovin' Life

i went fishing at Cole's mom and stepdad's house this weekend...i caught a fish, but he got away. for real-it's not just a fisher(wo)mans story.

we also sat in the hot tub for a very long time....wonderfulness!

thirty two days until my wedding!

my best friend from high school and my roommate got engaged this weekend! yay! they will be an awesome married couple!

my roommate Megan and I had a long talk about growing up. we're getting old-craziness!

i only have one more paper to write and a final to take till I am done with my distance education class-but i don't wanna work on it! it's boring.

i need to pack a lot! the closing on our house is next Thursday and we move all of our stuff to the house next Saturday! wahoo!

lovin' life!!

Monday, July 02, 2007


I'm generally not one for change. But, for the first time in my life, I am excited about it! Moving has always been such a hard thing for me, as well as any life changes that were dramatic. But, I can't wait-I'm ready for the new challenge. A new town, a new school, driving in the city (because all who know me know-Manhattan is a town, not a city), new friends, a new house, new radio stations, new job/s, a new church, etc. Wahoo!

Days until the wedding: 39
Days until Zach inherits my car and I get a new one: 39
Days until I am done with my job: 26
Days left to work: 18 (all weekdays, with two days off-the fourth and the eighteenth)
Days until we close on the house: 18
Days until all my furniture goes to Gardner and I live out of a suitcase: 20
Days until I start school at KU: 46 (so sad, I'm not even done with all of my summer classes yet!)