Monday, July 02, 2007


I'm generally not one for change. But, for the first time in my life, I am excited about it! Moving has always been such a hard thing for me, as well as any life changes that were dramatic. But, I can't wait-I'm ready for the new challenge. A new town, a new school, driving in the city (because all who know me know-Manhattan is a town, not a city), new friends, a new house, new radio stations, new job/s, a new church, etc. Wahoo!

Days until the wedding: 39
Days until Zach inherits my car and I get a new one: 39
Days until I am done with my job: 26
Days left to work: 18 (all weekdays, with two days off-the fourth and the eighteenth)
Days until we close on the house: 18
Days until all my furniture goes to Gardner and I live out of a suitcase: 20
Days until I start school at KU: 46 (so sad, I'm not even done with all of my summer classes yet!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well you do have alot to be excited for sis.