Saturday, December 30, 2006

Things I've Learned Lately

  1. I get tired. I get very tired.
  2. Boys like guns. When we put together our wedding registry, Cole won't share the scanning gun with me. Daniel said he won't share it when he registers either.
  3. Jesus was probably born on September 29, 0005.
  4. Life experiences change people. Hopefully for the better.
  5. I used to be really good at keeping my room clean and bed made. I'm not anymore.
  6. When you go to the mailbox, there will always be a bill. And a credit card offer.
  7. I'm not horrible at racquetball. And I enjoy playing-a lot!
  8. New life is beautiful-a friend, my amazing mentor, had a baby girl yesterday!
  9. When I lived in Ohio, it was never more than about thirty minutes to any store I wanted. After being in Kansas for almost six years, it no longer seems weird to block off a whole day and drive two and a half hours to go on a shopping trip.
  10. Hair grows very very very slowly. (I want my long hair back!)
  11. Rain is beautiful.
  12. When you joke about how you are heading west towards where some friends live, you may actually run into them at a mall in a city where none of you live. And where none of you frequent regularly.
  13. My Dad and Uncle are weird together-two peas and a pod. With Cole joining the family, it's three peas in a pod. (Oh dear!)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Baby It's Cold Outside!

So, it's amazingly cold outside. And while I LOVE winter and snow and wearing scarves and hats and's not snowing at all, which makes this cold worthless to me. And after working at the elementary school in the morning I get a parking spot 3,000 miles away from campus and must walk long distances in non-snowy cold. I don't like it.

I have come up with a way of staying warm. You know how in your closet you have a bunch of cute little outfits....this sweater and that shirt go together, etc? Well I have thrown that idea out the window.
Instead, here is a new method: First you pick out a hoodie and look at what color it is. Then, you rummage through every shirt on a hanger and pull off every one that includes that color. The third step is to rummage through your drawers-once again, pull out every shirt that includes the hoodie color. The fourth and final step...put on every shirt that you just gathered. You can choose whether to do it randomly or to put on all short sleeved shirts followed by long sleeved shirts and then your hoodie. This is a foolproof method. I just need to find a better way of keeping my nose warm now.

On another, non-passive-passive-aggressive towards the weather, note, today is a "sweet" day to work in the Computing and Information Sciences office (pun intended). The women who work in the college of engineering had a cookie exchange a few days back, and we have tons of cookies in the front office. It's Friday, so of course we have donuts (Donut Friday gives a reason to make it through Monday-Thursday). An unknown friend brought two boxes of Mrs. Powell's cinnamon rolls to the office. And a professor just came through with two boxes of goodies from a party with his students. What a "sweet" day. I may or may not need bigger jeans at the end of the Christmas season in this office.

Also, Lynn and I matched yesterday. Come to think of it, so did Sarah and I. Weird.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lots of Moving!

After a whole slew of fiascoes involving how and where I would finish my degree, a solution has finally been found.

In order that I might live with Cole after we are married, I will be finishing my degree at KU. I know, a jayhawk! But, do not fear, I plan to remain a wildcat! Now I have all of the paperwork of being a transfer student to work on-eek!

We have also moved our wedding date to August 11, 2007~which is just exciting!!

It's amazing how things have fallen together-it's a God thing and nothing less.

Saturday, September 30, 2006


I had a new cousin born this week. Meet Henry...

Isn't he a cutie?!? I don't know what it is, but seeing him brought a tear to my eye. Within a baby there is perfection. I love the thought of new life!! It's so amazing - God gives such a great gift in a new life!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Surrender by Marc James

I'm giving you my heart and all that is within
I'm laying it all down for the sake of you my King.
I'm giving you my dreams, laying down my rights
I'm giving up my pride for the promise of new life.

And I surrender all to you, all to you.
And I surrender all to you, all to you.

I'm singing you this song, I'm waiting at the cross
And all the world holds dear, I count it all as lost.
For the sake of knowing you and the glory of your name
To know the lasting joy, even sharing in your pain.

Life is a funny thing. You think that you know what something means in life and then it all changes. We had a college ministry worship night on Tuesday and in the light of current events in my life, the lyrics of this song took on a whole new meaning. I don't know what will happen now. But I have surrendered it all to Christ-my heart, my dreams, my rights, my pride. Surrendering all has taken on a new meaning in my life. It means surrendering more than I ever thought I would have to. (It's still worth it!) Knowing the glory of the name of Christ must involve some pain and hard times but will without a doubt lead to abounding joy. He can have his way, and I will do my absolute best not to question his plans.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Cry Out

She is not satisfied with her greatest efforts,
and tears pool in the crook of her eyes.

She feels he must be disappointed in her,
and her heart shatters from the pain.

In the nuances of her voice, she knows she has let her down,
and her legs long to run, maybe never come back.

He laughs when she is vulnerable,
and her stomach sinks.

She tries and she tries, but the words will not come,
and her head spins from the thoughts she cannot express.

It happens over and over again.
Day after day and night after night.
It affects all she thinks and does and says.

At nighttime she cries, in her dreams she fails more,
and she wakes up exhausted from rest.

And she cries out "Father! Hold me!!"

Friday, September 01, 2006

What I Wore Today....

Lynn, a coworker, is convinced that I keep "matching" outfits with people that I work with. However, as memory serves, this is not correct. So, she has asked that I keep a running list of what I wear. Today I am wearing a pink tee shirt and my brown Keystone shirt with pink lettering. I don't think I match anyone in the office today.